- Welcome to the Globals Help Page -

Rest your wings a bit, and check this out :>    chirpful teacher
When logged into the muck, simply type globals and you will see a brief summary of inline applications and features you can use there. :> This page will add a little bit more explanation as best we can. First, here's a list of those we've selected for further information here, which you can view, and then scroll down to the one(s) that interest you:

 "  : w ex
sweep @sweep lsprop lsedit
oldpage page page #mail mail
hug farhug go notify
wd oldwd who ws
@archive wizards staff where
wf wwf +read motd
news aup news conduct info terms @bulletin
int gossip t park
@shout @bootme laston @before
@doing @bird ft census
@stats allstat l lookat
speak morph spoof scene
status mumble soar @find
plib @z-create . nx
ap ansi #off or #on @adult ns
exits skyhelp smell-taste-feel-listen eagle-robin-hawk

Only the features that aren't obvious in the muck's globals listing are included here  :>
1) "     Using the quotation marks " we speak out loud in the room location for all in that one room to hear. Using the " keeps you from having to type out the word 'say' before talking. Instead, type " hello .

2) :       Just like with 'say', the colon mark : allows you to act out an action without typing out the word 'pose.' Simply type : sits down, or : flutters wings, and your character name is inserted before the action for all in the same location to see.

3) w     This is another shortcut, used for whispering privately to others in a room location. Words or pose will only be seen by your intended recipient. Type it out like this w Joe=words, or w Joe=: nods, where 'Joe' is the example of your recipient. They will see YOURNAME whispers words, or YOURNAME nods.

4) ex     Use ex preceding an item to examine details about it, such as ex me, or ex here. If you own the room you are in, you will see details about it.

5) sweep   This action will clear a room of sleepers if the location allows that, not to be confused with....

6) @sweep   This action checks any room for settings that project spoken text and action in the room to another location, sometime used in roleplay, or for security.

7) lsprop    This is a lot like 'ex', but while ex gives a summary of settings, this feature gives an entire list of properties set on anything you own, or publicly available for view. For examples, type   lsprop me=/   for an abbreviated view of your character, or   lsprop me=/**   for everything in the properties settings.

8) lsedit     This is an advance list editor for describing characters, places, or just about anything, allowing fancy formatting and long descriptions. Best to experiment with this on a test item, and/or ask staffer or another bird familiar with this system for some help to learn it.

9) page      This is the muck system for sending messages and poses to anyone on the system even if they are not in your location. Type   page Joe=message   where Joe is your intended recipient. This is the preferred system for direct paging, and for many, also for offline messages. And....

10) page #mail    This is the accompanying offline message recorder, like using email but only for this muck, and only for text. At FeatherMuck, we keep several mail systems here and separate, for individuals to use the ones with features they prefer :>    This one allows fast, short messages to be sent, and you can also type   qmail Joe=message   instead of   page #mail Joe=message.  Notes about this system- - - all p #mail messages can be read at one time without the option of saving them, by typing    qpmailread.  Further, be advised that this system does not encrypt your messages.

11) mail      This is the advanced editor mail system, and allows for longer and formatted mail messages using an editor. At FeatherMuck, if you have page #mail messages AND mail messages, the number of each will be announced to you *separately* upon your login, to clarify the difference, and remain versatile.  And speaking of versatility....

12) oldpage #mail     This is the older, original page #mail system, which does not allow page #mail to be stored, but *does* encrypt it.  If you clear out your newer page #mails and still receive an announcement that you have page #mail at your login, try reading it using the format 'oldpage #mail,' as you likely have a message using the encrypted, earlier version, still preferred by some birds on the muck.  :>

13) hug       This is a way to 'hug' another in the room, and can also be used to snug, preen, or many other actions, which can be seen by looking at the list. Type   hug #list   to see these. You can also set special hug responses from your character by setting an /act/def/hug: property on yourself.. see the hug #help file.

14) farhug   This is included as a fun method to hug others *not* in the room.. sort of a virtual thing ;>  The list is stored and can be seen by typing   farhugs, a different list from the hug #list.

15) go     If you are in a location with exits, look at them beneath the description, or woven creatively into the description of the room. Type   go east   for instance, if there is an exit named east. Sometimes    go e    would work in this example, but it should be noted that muckwide globals are also in place to simplify many actions, and so simply typing 'e' or 'w' may not work, as 'e' conflicts with 'ex', and 'w' conflicts with 'whisper.' Builders, and wizards in particular, are advised to avoid using any muckwide globals as exit names in all cases. Please test to see if an exit name causes a conflict first before adding it, by typing    @find EXITNAME=E.

16) notify     When somebirdy looks at you or smells you, or tastes you or feels you or listens to you (since it's a nature place and we are critters), a message can be returned to you that they have invoked that action. Generally the default setting for look and scent is notify #on already preset, but the other three are not and usually need to be turned on. You format these messages too.. see the help file with notify #help, or taste #help, or look #help.

17) wd       This is a newer 'whodoing' action, which shows a list of characters connected and their whodoing properties. See the wd #help file on how to set this on yourself. Note - this differs from the @doing setting, which is used by the WHO check action.

18) oldwd   This older whodoing works better in many cases in regards to the idle time displayed, which the newer system, although formatted nicely, does not display reliably. Both whodoing versions can list all characters by species also, by typing   wd #s.

19) ws        This is whospecies, and shows a listing of all in your room by species of avian. Any bird at any location can usually be checked for particular species also, by typing   ws #far Joe, where Joe is the name of the bird in your audubon curiosity view.

20) who      Type this to see a short list separated by commas, of the people in your location.

21) @archive     This should be used every so often to backup your items to your home system, if you like. The format is   @archive me   or    @archive item, where the item is the name of the object or place you own. Be sure to set your interface to LINE FEED only, as text output will be generated, which can reproduce the item in one step, if it is lost or an earlier version is desired.

22) wizards    This is the list of managers in the muck system :>

23) staff         The staff also does a tremendous amount of work to ensure that the system runs well, and players are assisted. In either the staff or wizards, please do not disturb them unless they are listed as on duty.

24) where      Written by one of our wizards, this gives the locale of everybirdy on the muck.

25) wf            Called 'watchfor,' this enables you to setup a list of others to watch for, and see their presence when connecting or leaving too.

26) wwf         The 'whowatchfor' will also show you who (online) is also watching for you :>

27) +read       This is a muckwide message board system, for general information and posts with items of interest. Typing   +read   shows the entire list, then    +read NUMBER    shows an individual item. +write adds items, and you can +erase any items you have written.

28) motd      Items of interest or of note are placed here by staffers or system admin, and it is displayed at login, and also if   motd   is typed.

29) @bulletin     Items placed in this system by admins appear only once usually, unless you type @bulletin again. Typing   @bulletin #index   gives a list of all items readable.

30) news aup   This is the muck agreement between players (participants) in the FeatherMuck, and the providers of the system. This must be read and followed in good faith by all, or access to the system be be revoked at any time. Since the muck is a generally open communication system, the providers are not liable for the actions of any participants that might abuse it. The FeatherMuck system is provided out of kindness and service to those interested in avian play and topics thereof, and friendly and courteous behaviour is encouraged from everyone who joins the FeatherMuck system.  :>

31) news conduct     This is a guideline for conduct, which needs also to be read and followed by those joining.    *Both files can be read by typing     news aup      and      news conduct.*

32) info terms       Many information files are available also. This one, for example, is a collection of avian terms, which is educational and also useful in role play (RP).

33) int      This is the muckwide intercom, which allows anyone with   int #on   to hear your warbles and chirps and poses.  See who is listening with    int #who.

34) gossip    Another system also for the same purpose. We have had informal and formal surveys about intercom systems, and generally they are favored 2 to 1, particularly since it can easily be turned off if one chooses not to participate in an intercom system.

35) t       This is the abbreviated shortcut for teleport, which allows you to fly anywhere directly on the muck, where such direct access is allowed, and avoid the sky routes.

36) park     Also reachable by typing   nest,  this is the primary aviary setup for featheries to gather and chat in public. Many other popular public places also exist, so feel free to flutter around and find friendly perches!

37) @shout     This is an old-fashioned muckwide announcement tool, generally for things like something happening somewhere that you want to inform everyone about.. but it costs money from your inventory to use it, and also limits how often you can use it. Therefore, the intercom is generally used, and anyone not on the intercom can be paged if they do not appear busy.

38) @bootme    If you experience a connection drop and then reconnect, sometimes your first connection remains and can cause echo and other problems. Type   @bootme   to remove stale connections when returning.

40) laston        Among the variety of tools here, this can check to see when people you name have been on recently. Type    laston    and then a name or list of names separated by one space each.

41) @before    This alternate version of laston has a different format output, preferred in some cases. It only allows one name request at a time.

42) @doing     This is a setting you can place on yourself to give others an idea what you are up to. Note - - this is a different setting from that which is seen from your whodoing setting.  A suggestion is that you set both, and set them to identical values.

43) @bird        This playful little device was written by another of our wizards, and typing @bird by itself outputs a random avian series of silly actions to the room :>   You can also @bird with a name following, and the action will pose from you to the other bird for all to see.

44) ft      Another silly-fun tool, this will output your statement in backwards words :>

45) mumble    Yet another word toy tool, this one is used like the whisper and page format. Your recipient hears you clearly, but all others in the location hear a randomly selected range of words from your statement only.

46) census     This tracks your accumulation of time logged into the muck for reference.

47) @stats     Use this tool to check your personal valise of owned items. You can also use....

48) allstat      A tool which reports a personal inventory in yet another format for variety.

49) l        The standard 'look' feature, you can type   l    to look here to see a room you are in, or look Joe to see a character therein.

50) lookat      This slightly different tool allows you to look at particular features of places, things and neighboring avians, if they have additional set features.   For example, you can type lookat Joe's wings     if a bird named Joe near you has wings described separately.

51) speak      This is an upcoming feature, which will allow different species of birds to talk in their own lingos :>   To be used for RP and not for making others feel excluded please.    It is a very beautiful language system, that will output the speak in regular text to others of your species, and those in the room of other species will see (as in mumble) a series of words spoken in your own dialect, beautiful, yet as unintelligible as a whisper.  "Shreewurrr cawous chirrl"

52) morph     A quick way to alter your description from a list of appearances you preset. See the morph #help file.  Note - - - Be advised that no morph program we know can change *every* attribute, so be sure to check them with some tests to see what results you get.  Generally, the best results come when you use EDITPLAYER to set the morph descriptions. If you use the list editor to set them, many mucks recommend you morph by changing {list:redesc} files on the fly manually in that case.

53) spoof     During RP, spoof can enter a comment or pose in the room without a name attached. This should not be overused or abused in out-of-character (ooc) dialogue.

54) scene      Rooms can come to life with activities such as weather and interactive responses to actions in the room. See the   scene #help   file for further information.

55) status     Some players use this to indicate whether they are speaking IC in character, or OOC out of character (as in real life talk). The status is displayed in the whospecies output.

56) soar        This upcoming feature will take you to a central sky, where you can then soar to selected sky destinations available. :>

57) @find     This is a very handy and necessary tool for finding items you own. The format is @find TEXTSTRING=FLAG(S).    It can also be used for simple  @find TEXT  and the item you seek should be located. The flag parameter allows specified narrowing-down of the search.

58) plib     If you get interested in programming, this is where publicly exchangeable Multi-User Forth programs are listed.

59) @z-create    This is a shortcut to the multi-step process of setting up what is called a 'zombie' or 'puppet' in mucktalk. This is an items that responds to your directions (or a room's directions, if it is a robot) and can serve as a fun little pet or sidekick. See the help file or ask a staffer for more information.

60) .    The single . that you see is a command for a program in which you can set up private intercom between you and another bird. See the '. #help' file for info.

61) nx     In some cases, players will have fancy descriptions including a nickname for their character. Sometimes a pose, say, or entry into a room may need clarifying for this reason. You can check for nicknames attached to characters by typing   nx   when in the room.

62) ap      This action allows you to pose in color to others viewing with Ansi turned #on !

63) ansi #off or #on      The preset at FeatherMuck is ansi #on, but if you want to switch the feature off, type    ansi #off.

64) @adult     This is a feature which allows players to check age status of other players, for courtesy and appropriate conduct. This also can avoid the embarrassing 'how old are you?' but it is a good idea to share that information up front as well in many cases.      Typing   @adult   shows all players status in the room, and individual players can be checked by typing the command with a space preceding their name.

65) ns     Typing this will display the next scheduled database save, handy to know for both RP and after having built areas or sent mail, etc.

66) exits     If you don't want an entire room description repeated, and it has visual (obvious) exits set, you can have them re-displayed by typing    exits.

67) skyhelp     This is a brief online help file, to assist with linking areas reachable from the sky.

68) smell-taste-feel-listen    To really round out your character, it can be fun to have each of these properties set for others to sense, which enhances the effect that you are a *real* bird. :>

69) eagle-robin-hawk    These are the only current lingos setup in our old speak system, due to be updated soon.  *tailfeatherwaggles*  :>

We hope this helps you enjoy FeatherMUCK even more,
and we'll have more additions here as time goes on.. Happy Flying!

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